Leyla Stevens

Kidung, 2019

3 channel video, stereo sound

10:58 minutes
Director/Writer/Editor: Leyla Stevens
Performer: Cok Sawitri
Camera: Wayan Martino & Leyla Stevens
Camera Assistant: Medy Mahasena
Production Assistant: Wayan Martino
Sound Mastering: Tim Bruniges

Kidung (2019) documents a sung lament by performance artist Cok Sawitri, in relation to a banyan tree that lies at the site of an unacknowledged mass grave from Bali’s mass killings of 1965-66. Considered as powerful spirit attractors, banyan trees in Bali act as signals in the landscape to that which remains unseen. Here, the artist frames this particular tree as both witness and guardian to the missing dead that lie buried underneath.